Intercalary Event


Chazan Gallery

41°49’44.238”N 71°24’53.795”W

Ladd Observatory

41°49’44.238”N 71°24’53.795”W

John Hay Library

41°49’44.238”N 71°24’53.795”W
Intercalary adj in•​ter•ca•la•​ry \ in-tər-'ka-lə-rē \ 1. inserted in a calendar. 2 inserted between other things or parts.

INTERCALARY EVENT is a cross-discipline, multi-venue art event in Providence Rhode Island, which took place during the Covid pandemic years. It presented the work of Rhode Island School of Design Glass Faculty J. Prince, K. Bullock and S. Salstrom, and guest artist R. Horton, Manager of Astronomy Laboratories at Brown University. The works are presented in an exhibition space located in a kindergarten-through-twelfth-grade private school, as well as in-situ in a functioning late 19th century Classical-Revival style observatory and a Beaux-Arts style library. Subjective idiosyncrasies and beauty are inserted into narratives of systems of observation, objectivity and data. [ go deeper ]