The Ladd Observatory is a Classical-Revival-style astronomical observatory, originally built in 1891 for student instruction and research in astronomy and celestial navigation. Among other smaller transit telescopes, it houses a refractor telescope with a focal length of 15 feet. It is equipped with an equatorial mount and mechanical clock drive and can receive instruments such as the filar micrometer, which was used for time-keeping related observations, such as determining the precise orbit of the moon. As well, the observations of certain stars were used to calibrate a high quality pendulum clock, located in a vibration-free and temperature-stable clock vault in the masonry pier that supports the main telescope. From 1893 to 1916, calibration signals from this clock controlled an extensive clock network in Providence and elsewhere in the state. The observatory is included in the US National Register of Historic Places. It houses a collection of antique a instruments and ressources, and is currently run by the College For Science Education in Brown University. [map]
The Intercalary Event works were integrated into the Observatory’s large study room and a smaller didactic-display room.

- Slide Library, Dust Series
- Jocelyne Prince
This series transforms glass dust into cosmic patterns. Glass detritus, the residue of cutting the glass, settles...

- Trophies: Differentiation, Zenolithic, and Igneous
- Sean Salstrom
Glass objects were made with embedded materials collected from the surrounding area of the Ladd Observatory. The ...

- Glass Moon Studies (Overhead )
- Katie Bullock
A collection of studies traced from the shadows cast by various blown glass elements when placed on an overhead p...

- Tools for Looking
- Katie Bullock
The first tool is a small mirror that reflects and magnifies the viewer’s eye as they hold the tool up to their f...

- Foam Moon Study
- Katie Bullock
Study investigating foam in the bottom of a coffee cup.

- Planetary Models and Evidence of First Visit to the Ladd
- Sean Salstrom
The objects in the display case were inspired by the planetary models in the room. Sean was thinking about the wa...

- Galactic Marble Interiors
- Katie Bullock
Images from the interiors of illuminated hand-formed glass marbles interspersed throughout the observatory’...

- Thirty-One Celestial Events
- Jocelyne Prince
In these 31 videos, each 31 seconds long, the hot glass movement/set-ups mimic daily celestial events, which were...

- Pocket Marble
- Katie Bullock
This hand-made glass marble was treated with a chemical solution that essentially rendered its surface a mirror. ...

- Star Cylinder
- Jocelyne Prince
Star Cylinder is rotating glass cylinder. Bubbles placed in the glass recreate the cylindrical projectio...