But Now to Return to Our Sun
Katie Bullock
50 x 48 inches
Graphite on vellum paper, vinyl print, monofilament, steel

But Now to Return to Our Sun is an installation composed of traced text fragments sourced from an assortment of written and printed works, spanning numerous fields of study and moments in history. Selected texts range from questions of navigation and map making to imagination and wonder. Several drawings are pulled from Arabella Buckley’s 19th century work Through Magic Glasses, which chronicles Buckley’s fascination with the world around her, and is housed in the Hay Library’s History of Science Collection. The drawings are arranged behind an image of a sunspot in motion, taken from Through Magic Glasses, and can be read in any direction from any starting point. The work comes together to form a loose narrative exploring perception and observation and their role in our perpetual attempt to understand the complexity and nuance of the world around us.

This artwork was exhibited at the